Jerseys & Merchandise

For the Wednesday and Sunday Draft Leagues you will be provided with a pair of socks and jersey for the team you are selected in the draft to join. The potential teams you can be drafted to are the Filthy Dusters, Rusty Benders, Gritty Grinders, Beech Daly Brewsers, ABHS, Flightless Pheasants, Floppy Pylons, Smokey Plugs and Ugly Pucklings.

For all Just Beer League Hockey patches and apparel please use the form that can be reach by clicking the button below. After your order form is submitted one of our team will reach out to you about delivery and payment for your order. If you have any questions please reach out to use at and thank you for the support!

If you are interested in getting a jersey for one of the other teams in the league or one of our Drop In black and white jerseys they can be ordered using the link below. We do our best to make sure that we do not have any repeat jersey numbers among active members per team set of jerseys. This includes the Just Beer League Hockey Whites, Just Beer League Blacks, and League Team Jerseys. This can cause some desired numbers to be unavailable. The total price for all additional jerseys with a pair of socks are $50.00. If supply is available you will receive and email to confirm your order from